Zapier + Grindery

Zapier + Grindery

Zapier + Grindery

Your Gateway to Web3

Your Gateway to Web3

Your Gateway to Web3

Grindery Web3 Gateway and Zapier empower you to connect thousands of Web2 apps with Web3 dApps/protocols.

Grindery Web3 Gateway and Zapier empower you to connect thousands of Web2 apps with Web3 dApps/protocols.

Grindery Web3 Gateway and Zapier empower you to connect thousands of Web2 apps with Web3 dApps/protocols.

Supported Chains

Interested in partnering?

Reach out here.

As easy as...

Now you can build and run entire workflows in Zapier without jumping between apps or worrying about gas fees. We’ve simplified everything into one embedded integration—no coding required.

Just click, connect, and let us handle the rest.


Go to the Grindery Flow Page and sign-in/up. Once created, fund it with a credit card or tokens. Then close the window.



Grindery Nexus

/up to Zapier and connect the Grindery Web3 Gateway App.




Choose an event

Set up action



Contract address


This is what starts the Zap.


Start configuring your automations in Zapier.

What you can do with
Zapier + Grindery

Easily Mint your NFTs

Easily Mint your NFTs

Easily Mint your NFTs

Create a form with Typeform, HubSpot, Google or Airtable and allow your users to mint a personalized NFT.

Quickly Request a Payment

Quickly Request a Payment

Quickly Request a Payment

Create a form with Typeform, HubSpot, Google or Airtable and allow your team to submit a proposal or payment request to your Multisig or DAO.

Instant Deposit Notifications

Instant Deposit Notifications

Instant Deposit Notifications

Detect when a deposit happens on a wallet, multisig or any contract and send a message to Slack, Discord, Twitter or your browser.

Securely Backup your Transaction

Securely Backup your Transaction

Securely Backup your Transaction

Push any transaction or event from a wallet or smart contract to a Google Sheet or Airtable to get an accounting record.

Invent your own workflow, no coding required.

Invent your own workflow, no coding required.

Invent your own workflow, no coding required.

Create a form with Typeform, HubSpot, Google or Airtable and allow your team to submit a proposal or payment request to your Multisig or DAO.